About Her

Amanda Cavallaro is a software developer, passionate about Cloud technologies, Human-Computer Interactions and bots. You can speak to her in Portuguese, English, Italian and a little bit of Japanese.

The most inspiring geek book she has ever read is Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. During her free time she is an aikidoka, a volunteer organiser at GDG Cloud London and Women Techmakers London, she loves to attend tech meetups and to work on her own personal projects to practice different programming languages.

Amanda Cavallaro
Amanda Cavallaro

She is thoroughly interested and invested in conversational technologies through different communication channels. In particular, she has developed a deep interest in textual chatbots and voice assistants. The application of conversational technologies can improve our lives down to the smallest detail, and also make technology more inclusive for people from different backgrounds, even those we wouldn’t immediately think of; for instance, we can facilitate an interaction where older people could turn on the TV through a voice command rather than finding a tiny button on a remote control.

She would definitely be a Power Metal song. Amanda is a spontaneous person who tries her best to help everyone around her, and when she likes the cause, she will not rest until she can help you. Sometimes she takes her life is at maximum speed such as the song Destruction Preventer and some other times she is complaining about the cold in a mood similar to the song The Misery. She is a big fan of the Finnish band Sonata Arctica, and these two songs are theirs by the way.

Amanda Cavallaro